Our dream is gradually turning into reality, since the construction of Sesobel’s new Autism center is progressing!
(for details, you can visit http://www.sesobel.org/autism)
SESOBEL’s first Gala dinner was held on February 19th, in the ballroom of Al Bustan Rotana Hotel. The proceeds were exclusively channeled to finance the new Autism center, dedicated to Sesobel’s chidren with autism.
This fundraising evening, under the auspices of H.E Elias Bou Saab, Lebanese Minister of education, gathered around 530 guests. Ms. Gisele Khoury, the famous journalist, was the Master of Ceremony, and heartfully introduced Sesobel and its mission. Mrs. Fadia Safi explained the journey of the disabled child and his/her family. Autism awareness and concerns being on the rise, H.E. Lebanese Ambassador in the UAE, Mr. Hassan Saad spontaneously volunteered to share his conviction on the importance of supporting this project, pioneer in Lebanon and the Middle East. H.E. the Lebanese Consul General in Dubai, Mr. Sami Nmeir encouraged us and his presence was highly appreciated.
This event would have never been possible without our friend and Board member Mrs. Frida Chammas, who initiated this project and prepared its smallest details, in collaboration with the event organizer Mr Maher Khoukhagi and SESOBEL’s team. Her husband Mr. Fady Chammas and their children Dana and Karim ensured the public relations, ticket sales and elaborated the dinner’s visual identity.
The testimony of Elie Tawk, a child of SESOBEL since the age of two, and now employed as SESOBEL’s spokesperson – was a very touching moment, it prompted a deserved standing ovation. This young man is the living proof of SESOBEL’s action towards a better life.
This dinner was also an occasion to exhibit and sell 18 paintings (The Mood Collection) made by children in the Autism program. The canvas “Focused Mood” was auctioned, and many units in the new Autism center were generously sponsored by some of our guests, with the kind assistance of Mrs. Zeina Khoury.Mrs. Rima Chammas was discreetly and elegantly essential to the success of the event.
A special thank you to the Lebanese and Arab communities in Dubai for their warm welcome, and to all those who answered “Present” to support this noble cause, and give a better life to our children with Autism.
A special thank to Marcel and Ranwa from Fluid Ltd. who contributed with a great generosity to the realization of SESOBEL’s autism website (www.sesobel.org/autism). We truly appreciate their valuable collaboration and are grateful for their support and concern towards our mission.