In the late afternoon of June 10, a “Trash monster” welcomed us at the Complex of Patriarch Gregorius in Rabweh! This end of year celebration organized by Anita El Hajj and Lilliane Dargham had the environment and the protection of our planet as themes!
Inside the complex, the art works which the children had worked on for two consecutive years were graciously presented and placed. Colored paintings, trees made out of recycled items, such as tissues, plastic bottles, lids, tires, straws, paper cones were assembled with great creativity with the help of Carla Faddoul, Gisele Zouein, Jocelyne Khoueiry, Juliana Onayssi, Roula Chedid, Elie Bou Gebrayel, all the educators, the sibling group, the committed volunteer Renee Khoury and the support of the Guides Tournesol, creating a breathtaking work!
At the back of the large hall were images photographed by our photographers “our children”. The theme was nature and every shot was of a landscape, an animal, or a detail, such as a drop of dew on a leaf! The international photographer, Mr. Souheil Semaan, volunteered his time and enriched us by his know-how and lavish techniques, especially with techniques for using a camera. We thank him! During every outing, the educator Mia Bteich accompanied the children in their quest for beauty!
After that, everyone headed to the auditorium to watch the children’s show! The program began with the national anthem and patriotic pride brought the audience together!
Mr. Ghassan Sayah, representative of the Minister of the Environment, Dr Mohammed El Machnouk, and Ms. Fadia Safi, our General Manager, addressed the crowd and opened the evening. Came next, Mr. Paul Abi Rached –president of T.E.R.R.E Liban- who sang, presented, and linked the different scenes together. We thank him for using his talent to serve SESOBEL!
Several groups of the children made presentations to the crowd who were greatly impressed by the attention to detail and the dynamic atmosphere created by the combination of texts, filmed sequences, and musical sketches utilizing paper products. SESOBEL’s children’s chorus also delighted everyone thanks to songs written by Mr. Paul Abi Rached! The different displays showcased how SESOBEL initiated the project GO GREEN and on the ground applications of the awareness campaign. They also showed the children transforming the recyclable materials and composting, thanks to the method taught by Mr. Antoine Abou Moussa, coordinator of environmental projects at T.E.R.R.E Liban.