4 people from SESOBEL participated in an international conference entitled “International conference on cerebral palsy and other childhood on set disabilities”, at Stockholm-Sweden from 1 to 4 June 2016.
This conference brought together several international organizations from 66 countries and beyond 1500 professionals working with children with disabilities.
SESOBEL participated by presenting four posters and one verbal communication:
-A verbal communication entitled " is the Acetabulum an etiological factor in the internal hip rotation gait profile in children with cerebral palsy
- Two posters: "Are spino-pelvic parameters correlated to Gait Kinematics in children with cerebral palsy? et “3D muscular parameters in children with cerebral palsy with no medical history."
- A poster: "Repeatablity and uncertainty assessment of the Lebanese version of Test of Aided-communication Symbol Performance (TASP) in typically developing children"
- A poster: " Repeatablity and uncertainty assessment of the Lebanese version of Test of Aided-communication Symbol Performance (TASP) in typically developing children.”
The congress allowed the units (Speech and physical therapy) to be up to date on all the news, which can be incorporated and applied on our children and to subsequently improve the quality of services offered by SESOBEL medical team.